Spinal Curvature
Spinal curvatures come in multiple forms and severities. The spine is curved and shaped in a particular way that allows us to bend, twist and function in an effective manner. However, there are some conditions that can change the ‘normal’ shape of our spine and result in aches, pains, and immobility. Some of the main labels of abnormal spinal curvatures include scoliosis, Scheuermann’s and swayback. Some of these are congenital, meaning they arise from birth or through puberty, while others develop from lifestyle habits. It is important to know that these conditions are very normal, with evidence suggesting over 50% of us have some form of mild abnormal spinal curvature. Quite often they are asymptomatic and often undiagnosed, with no further implications on your life. However, if you are suffering symptoms or are concerned with your spine; the team at 4 Life Chiropractic can help.
To make an appointment for your spinal curvature, click here.

What Causes Spinal Curvature?
Most cases of abnormal spinal curvatures develop before and during puberty. Conditions such as scoliosis (lateral curves and rotation of the spine) and Scheuermann’s (increased thoracic curve/hunch) are thought to develop as a child goes through periods of skeletal growth. Evidence suggests that it can be genetic, with little signs given until the child begins to develop. Some signs that you can look out for in your children are:
Head not being centered over the body
Uneven shoulders
One shoulder blade sticking out more than the other
Uneven gaps between the arm and torso
Uneven hips
Rounded and hunched upper back
Uneven muscle tone throughout the back
Some abnormal spinal curvatures develop as a result of poor spinal functioning due to lifestyle habits. If the spine doesn’t have the adequate support, mobility, and strength for the demands you put on your body; it can begin to wear parts of the spine and ultimately change its shape and ability to move. This happens over multiple years and decades. The good news is that your body is resilient and it’s never too late to do something about it.
Chiropractic for Spinal Curvature
When dealing with abnormal curvatures in children, the key factor for improving outcomes is early identification and intervention. If you identify any of the signs listed above, it would be beneficial to seek the advice and guidance of your doctor or health care professional.
Here at 4 Life Chiropractic, part of our pediatric assessment involves testing for abnormal spinal curvatures. Some can be visibly seen just with a postural assessment, while there also some specific tests that can help identify the early onset of abnormal spinal development. Quite often, imaging can be requested in order to have a ‘baseline’ measurement that can be used to track development. Depending on the severity, skeletal maturity, and age of the individual, we can then either formulate a treatment program to prevent further progression or refer on appropriately for further intervention.
If you have any concerns about spinal curvatures in yourself or your children, give us a call at 4 Life Chiropractic for any assistance.